
We strive to serve you
🎯 Making it easy for you to lend money with high rate of succesful return
🔔 This solution have you in mind since it Remind you on installment to be paid today
Care for your customers by Remind them on-date of their payments to Strengthen your Relationship, Returns, and Trust

👏 Join the largest family of Lenders in Tanzania

Check Our Offers

We are a group of young entrepreneurs driven to solve money losses in form of loans from independent and small lenders We empower lenders 💪 with right data to secure they accuire trusted borrowers, hence ensure positive returns on loans given. So first lets notify you on due date of your installments


3,000 Tsh

now 1000 Tsh

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7,000 Tsh

now 3,000 Tsh

🎯 Get e-mail notifications

🎯 Access to all Dashboard and Forms

🎯 Access to all Profile Data

10,000 Tsh

now 5,000 Tsh

🎯 All in 3,000

🎯 Get sms sent to you

🎯 Access to all Upcomming Features

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